Monday, January 05, 2009

Rejoining the World

I finished knitting this sweater a couple of weeks ago, but it needed to be blocked before I could sew on the buttons. Upcoming knitting group tonight spurred me on to finish it.
I couldn't decide which background I liked better so you get both.

Pattern: Baby Surprise Sweater by Elizabeth Zimmerman from her book Opinionated Knitter
Yarn: Cascade 220 Superwash
Size: I just did what the pattern said, this finished sweater looks large enough for probably a 1 year old.

The pattern is considered a classic and is much loved, but the direction are written for people who really know what they are doing. On Ravelry I found a check off sheet for the different row decreases which really helped. It is knit in one piece, you sew up the shoulder seams when done. It wasn't until I was on my last few rows that I figured out that I had started with the sleeves.

Since I'm knitting so much I decided that my yarn deserved room on my shelves so I did some reorganizing to make room. This is just some special yarn, most of what I have is still in the basket and tub.

Today I re-join the real world, I'm headed back to work after being off for 6 weeks with my hip surgery. I am fully recovered and able to do all my normal stuff. One of the things I really enjoyed NOT being able to do was scoop the cat box, just couldn't kneel down on the cement floor. I mentioned to Dave that it would be easier for me to do the scooping if I had a stool to sit on.

So look what he built for me, a raised platform for the cat box to sit on. Do I have a gem??? And as Milo is demonstrating, the cats are quite happy too.

We are still not done with the snow, but temps are predicted to be in the 40's this week, so I'm hopefully that our road will melt. I am a little apprehensive about sliding down to work this morning.


  1. Hey! I have that candy box! Jeanie in Alabama sent it to me years ago when we were on IQ. The nice part was that it was full of chocolate candy and I had to empty it before I could use it. For years now, it held my applique supplies. Now that I can't applique, it's a nifty sewing box for all those pesky little things that need a place to reside.

    Love the raised litter box. Do you suppose Dave would come build one for Phyllis?

    And hooray for your yarns to have a home of their own. Mine mostly reside in a pop 'n fold hamper.

  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Dad always goes all out with his projects. The sweater looks great too. I really like the big buttons and bright colors. Hoping I can see it in person before you send it off.

    Love Daughter
