Sunday, October 22, 2006

Yard Work

Another sunny day had us out in the yard this afternoon, to finally finish the last of the rock borders around new planting beds, and look, I even got the plants in. I had a TON of rocks delivered, and we used most of them on the borders.

For several years I've wanted to plant a tree that has pink flowers in the spring, but the spot where it would go was "under construction" until the pond was finished. Now the area is done and I've planted a Everest Crab Apple. I hope I get the spring flowers, but isn't it just gorgeous now. The crab apples are about the size of a quarter, they are so cute!

1 comment:

  1. Karen! Ha, I found you back.

    Please keep up with the blog, it's great to know what you're up to.

    Are you going to make jelly with the crab apples?

