A finished quilt that was started in 1999. That is when I took a trip to Paducah, Kentucky to see the American Quilters Society Show and meet up with some internet friends.
We made a side trip to Hancock's of Paducah and here is what I wrote in my journal.
I had heard stories, I was not mentally prepared for the reality of
Hancocks. Breezed right though the main
sales area to the discount area in the back.
All the fabric there were flat folds, and all were $4.49 per yard.
There were probably at least 20 huge tables piled high with these flat
folds, from all different manufacturers, but I didn't come across any
batiks. They bring in more fabric every
day, so I guess it pays to return, that is if you have more money to
spend. Since I really don't need, no let
me rephrase that, have room for more fabric, I was trying to be conservative,
and my way of doing that was to buy fabric for a specific quilt. One of the patterns I purchased was Lynn
Grave's foundation paper piecing pattern for a pineapple quilt, with the
intention of making it for Kim's bed. So
since her colors are currently blues and greens, I even had a color scheme to
start with. My goal was to get 5 fabrics
in various blue and green combinations, and then a gradation of 5 gold fabrics
to go with them. I headed up to the
cutting counter with just my 10 fabrics, but the lady next to me had lots of blue
and green fabrics also, so we traded a few. "

I don't have any good reason why this quilt took so long to complete. I love the pattern and I love the fabrics. In this time period we did build our house (living in a mobile home) and my kids went from elementary school to being adults. For some reason many other quilts got completed but not this one. There was a time when I had the blocks together and was stymied about the border. It sat for a few years after a botched attempt at machine quilting, and another couple after I took the quilting out (maybe 1/4 of the quilt done) and had just a top again.
Size: 58" x 70"
To quilt is heavenly, but to finish is divine!