Friday, September 19, 2008

Free Rice Update

You probably don't spend much time looking at what I have in my sidebar (I usually only do it when I'm looking at a new blog), but I found out the Free Rice has been updated. The site has a vocabulary test, when you get the answer correct it puts grains of rice into your bowl, which will then be donated to the UN World Food Program.

Since I've last been there the site has been updated. Now when you get an answer wrong the question goes back into the queue and you get asked again later, so pay attention. They also have added some additional subjects, I tried Famous Painting and actually go the artist right on a number of them.

On another note, Blogger has added the ability to list yourself as a "follower" of the blogs you read. I have mixed feelings about this, I would love to know who regularly reads this blog (thanks Margaret!) but I haven't decided if I want to list myself as a follower of all the blogs I read. Silly! Some of the blogs I read have a huge following, so I don't need to join in on that. There are some blogs that I continue to follow and I'm not sure why, once they are on my Google Reader I tend to leave them there, and skip over the post if I've lost interest.

Anyone want to identify themselves?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Karen, I broke out of reader to comment. I don't know that I want to make it public who I'm following. But mostly I wonder does this occur if you are subscribed through a reader? I read all my blogs through Google Reader. Just curious how it works.
