Thursday, March 08, 2007

Being Teased

We had a little teaser of spring earlier this week, a morning of sunshine, and then in front of the storm that moved in later was some very warm air, when I drove by the bank the temperature read 71 degrees. Of course since then we've had a lot of rain, very heavy at times.

Some neighbors down the hill have some crocus planted along the road. During a warm spell a few weeks ago the buds popped up and in the following cold spell they hunkered down again. The warm day had them open up in glorious abandon, now they are closed with their coats (figuratively) pulled over their heads.

I've also been teased by this website which is doing a "blog hop" featuring projects made with "DayZ" fabrics. The focus fabrics in this group feature large gerber daisys is bright pink, orange and purple.

I saw the first quilt on that beautiful sunny morning, and it really spoke to me. "Ring Around the Flowers" is designed by Holly Holderman who also happens to be the designer of these fabrics for Lakehouse Dry Goods. There is no pattern available at this time, in fact Holly's web site is under construction, but I felt that I should be able to draft something similar easily enough.

After work I headed out to my local fabric store to see if they had this fabric, which I had taken a quick glance at. I cruised the store admiring lots of fabric, but didn't see this one and was about to start another round when I spotted what I thought was just the thing. It was the daisys printed with space around them on a white background. For some reason I felt I should buy a yard of this fabric even though the fabric requirements listed on the web site said you only needed 10 flowers.

I gleefully returned home with my find and went to look at the website again with the intention of drafting out the pattern and starting to sew. On further study I realized that some of the flowers were on a white background and some were on a black background. I was crushed, and the clouds were blowing in obscuring my lovely sunny day (both inside and out).

The next day I decided to try and find the flowers printed on black at an on-line retailer, and after a long search I finally did. While waiting a reply from this company to my question about the size of the flowers on their fabric, I again looked at the fabric I bought, and the picture of the quilt. I then made the discovery that I didn't have the right fabric. On the quilt there is more white between the flowers than there is on my fabric, there must be a different fabric with the flowers printed farther apart.

At this point I'm not sure what to do. Ideally I should design my own quilt using the fabric that I already purchased. But it's raining again today.....

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